
Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to Store Fruits and Veggies

Just stopping by for a quick HELPFUL tip!

I found this website while pinning the other day. It is so helpful. It is a list of TONS of veggies and fruits that you might have in your kitchen at this moment -- and some you don't because frankly you've never even heard of them!

The list gives you specific instructions for how to prep your produce when you bring it home from the store so that it will last as long as possible in the fridge, counter, pantry, etc. until you can get it eaten up!

Here's an example:

Avocados place in a paper bag at room temp. To speed up their ripening place an apple in the bag with them.

If you scroll all the way down through the list (it's like 5-6 pages long!!!) you will see a link for printing it so you can store it in a binder with your recipe books. I have a binder of all the "homemade" recipes I need and I stuck it in there for easy reference.

Visit My Thirty Spot and get your list today!!!