I was reading an article that Heather on
Want What You Have wrote about making your own homemade baby wipes and decided to give it a try! As you can see from other posts that I have been writing, I am very "into" making as much from scratch as I possibly can. It's been really fun researching online and looking for more ideas on how I can be self-sufficient in the home. This recipe for baby wipes was the one I decided to try because it didn't require me to go to the store at all! I had everything available to me in my pantry/bathroom! Good thing, because I am about to run out of baby wipes and I don't have any coupons this month to get them cheap! The best things about this recipe are how inexpensive it is as well as the fact that you know what you're wiping your babe's bum-bum with!

I will share the recipe with you, but please visit her website to read about the discoveries she has made regarding different paper towel choices, containers, etc. At this point, being new to this idea--I of course am no expert, but will definitely let you know how it goes and if I make any changes to my baby-wipe-making!
You will need:
- 1 large paper towel roll
- 2 Tbsp Canola Oil
- 2 Tbsp Baby Wash
- 2 1/2 cups Hot Water
- Large Knife/Cutting Board
- Container for Wipes
Cut the paper towels in half. Place half roll in container. Mix up oil, baby wash, hot water and pour over the wipes. Pour slowly at the beginning because it will splatter! Put the lid on, turn it upside-down and wait a few minutes. Open it back up and pull out the cardboard tube. Start the wipes from the center of the roll. I put some baby "bath" stickers on my container just like Heather... mostly so my husband doesn't get confused since he's used to me keeping this kind of container in the kitchen!
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