Here are the first two activities we are going to try, thanks to Toddler Bites!
Devotion #1
Theme: Jesus had a family…we do too
Scripture: Read Luke 1:26-38.
Family Memory
Verse: For nothing
is impossible with God. Luke 1:37
Starter: Place a bowl
filled with Hershey’s Kisses in front of your children.
Tell them that
they may eat as many and they want as long as they don’t use their hands to
unwrap them. Allow time to try.
It was nearly
impossible to get the paper off of the Hershey’s Kisses without using your
Ask: what are
things that are impossible for us to do that God can do? Is there anything that
is impossible for God to do? Why or Why not?
In our
scripture reading, we learned that an angel told Mary she would have a
baby-God’s son. She thought this was impossible because she wasn’t married. But
with God, nothing is impossible.
Mary’s cousin
Elizabeth, who was a much older woman – maybe the age of your grandmother – was
also going to have a baby. This seemed impossible, but not for God.
Read Luke
Ask: what is
something that you are facing that seems impossible? What do you think Jesus
would have you do about that “impossible” thing?
Prayer: Ask God to help you remember that nothing
is impossible for Him.
Devotion #2
Theme: Angels and Shepherds
Scripture: Read Luke 2:8-20.
Family Memory
Verse: Luke 2:13-14 And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising
God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will
toward men.
Discussion Starter: Provide a
flashlight for everyone in the family. Cut out the shape of an angel (5 inches
high) from dark construction paper. Cut one for each family member. Turn off
the lights and explain that the story we will hear happened at night.
Discussion: Read Luke
2:8-14, by flashlight. When you get to verse 9, shine the flashlight beam
across your angel to create a large shadow on the wall. When you read verse 13,
have everyone project their angels on the wall. Read Luke 2:15-20. Why do you
think the shepherds “came with haste?” (vs. 16)
What did the
shepherds do after they had visited with baby Jesus? (Re-read vs. 17, 18, &
20…they told everyone about what they had seen and heard; they praised
glorified and praised God)
Ask: are we
excited to share the news about Jesus birth with others? Have we stopped to
praise and glorify Him this season?
Prayer: Pray a prayer of praise to God. Ask Him to
help you share the news of Jesus’ birth and the reason for His coming with
Advent Activity: Light the Candles during dinner each day this week according to what week of advent we are in. This week we will be lighting the two outer Purple candles until Sunday, then we will also light the Pink.
Week 1 (Nov. 27) -- Purple (Hope)
Week 2 (Dec. 4) -- Purple (Preparation)
Week 3 (Dec. 11) -- Rose (Joy)
Week 4 (Dec. 18) -- Purple (Love)
Week 5 (Christmas Day!!!) -- White (Christ)
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